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Get a first hand experience at one of our facilities! Visit us in Wasbek or in one of our branches around the world to see for yourself. Large parts of our machine portfolio is always on stock and ready for demonstrations in an instant. Our sales consultants and technicians are looking forward to achieving your next production goals together with you!

Chicago, Illinois

Our North American headquarters near Chicago is a 64,000 sq/ft full-service facility, offering a large inventory of new machine tools for fast shipment, on-site machine shop and paint facilities, QC testing room, spare parts distribution center, and much much more. At the heart of our business is customer service, and our friendly and knowledgeable team members strive to ensure we provide the best level of service to you. We welcome you to visit us and explore how we may help you.

KNUTH Machine Tools USA, Inc.
590 Bond St.
IL 60069 Lincolnshire / Chicago

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