
Renuncia de garantía

1. Online Offer/Content

The author makes no warranty as to the timeliness, accuracy, completeness or quality of the provided information. The author expressly excludes any liability for tangible or intellectual property claims that may arise from the use or inability to use the provided information, or the use of erroneous and incomplete information, unless they arise from willful misconduct or negligence by the author.

All offers are subject to change and not binding. The author expressly reserves the right to change, amend, or delete portions of pages or the entire offer, or to temporarily or permanently cease the publication.

2. References and Links

In case of any direct or indirect references to external websites („hyperlinks“) that are beyond the author‘s control, the author shall be liable only in cases where the author knew of the illegality of the contents and if it was reasonably and technically possible for the author to prevent the use of any illegal contents.

The author herewith states explicitly that at the time the link was placed, no illegal content was noticeable on the linked pages. The author has no influence on the future design, content or copyrights of the linked pages. Therefore, the author assumes no liability for any content on any linked pages that may have been modified after the link was placed. This applies to any links and references within our internet offer and for any entries made by others in the guest books set up by the author as well entries in discussion forums, link directories, mailing lists, and any forms of databases that allow external writing access. The entity referring to a publication via links shall not be liable; only the owner/provider of the referred to or linked site shall be exclusively liable for any illegal or incomplete content, in particular for claims arising from the use of or inability to use such provided information.

3. Copyright and Trademark Notice

The author strives to recognize all copyrights for graphics, audio documents, video clips and text in all publications, to use its own graphics, audio documents, video clips and text, or to access graphics, audio documents, video clips and text that are not protected by licenses.

All brand names and trademarks mentioned within the internet offer as well as any brand names and trademarks protected by third parties are subject to the applicable trademark laws and remain the sole property of the registered owners. The mere mention of a trademark shall not give rise to the conclusion that such trademarks are not protected by the rights of third parties!

The copyright for published objects that were created by the author shall remain the sole property of the website‘s author. Any reproduction or use of such graphics, audio documents, video clips and text in any electronic or printed publication without the express approval of the author is expressly prohibited.

4. Privacy Policy

Any personal data will be collected, processed and used in accordance with applicable laws (German Federal Data Protection Act). If there are places for entering personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, postal addresses) within the Internet Offer, the user will provide this information exclusively on a voluntary basis. Contact info provided in this Legal Notice or similar information, like addresses, phone and fax numbers and e-mail-addresses may not be shared with third parties for the purpose of transmission of unsolicited information. Legal action will be taken against senders of spam mails under violation of this clause.

5. Severability of this Disclaimer

This Disclaimer shall be considered an integral part of the Internet Offer that referred to this page. If any part or individual phrase in this text does not any longer or not completely conform to the applicable law, all remaining parts of the document shall remain in full force as to their content and validity.

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